Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program


The Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation (MPR) Program is founded on the principles of consumer choice and the active involvement of persons in their rehabilitation.  Consumers are encouraged to make their own choices that will lead to success.  Hope is a hallmark of all interactions, both formal and informal.   The three main foci of the program are:

  1. Helping people identify goals
  2. Helping people plan strategies and acquire necessary skills to reach and maintain desired goals.
  3. Helping people develop the necessary supports to maintain those goals.


  • 18 years of age or older
  • Presence or history of serious mental illness.
  • Diagnosis must be one of the following:  schizophrenia, major mood disorder, psychotic disorder NOS, schizoaffective disorder or borderline personality disorder.
  • As a result of the mental illness, the person has a moderate to severe functional impairment that interferes with or limits role performance in at least one of the following domains: living, learning, working, or social.
  • The person chooses to participate in the program.


MPR referrals will be received from I.C.M.’s, hospital social workers, Personal Care Boarding Homes, Dom Care Homes, psychiatric clinics, site based psychiatric programs, and self-referrals.  All referrals must be connected with a Base Service Unit.  MHA does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, disability, or age.

Characteristics of the MPR Program

  • Short-term intervention based on individual goals.
  • Limited number of hours per week:  Up to 6 hours per week unless approved under an exception process.
  • All services are provided in the community.
  • Individual services on a 1:1 basis.
  • Community-based services and supports are utilized to promote the person’s choosing, getting, and keeping goals

For more Info call:

Mental Health Association MPR
200 Spring Street
Bentleyville, PA  15314

Phone:  724-239-3775
Fax:  724-239-3778